Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wrapping up the first day

The keynotes and breakouts from day one are now a memory. I'd like to thank everyone who presented today - the feedback that I got in numerous conversations was astounding. The interactions were everything that people had hoped for and more .

At 1730 out came the appetizers and the cocktails and it was time for everyone to visit our Partners in the Technology Expo. It was a great first day - superb turnout, great interactions, a lot of questions, a lot of excitement and clearly an energy that made this conference seem like a natural. As we wrap up the first day and head off to our various dinners, I thought I'd post one last set of pictures from the tech expo to give everyone a sense of the how the day was wrapping up.

I would like to add a note of personal thanks on behalf of AFSMI, SSPA and TPSA to all of our Partners who joined us here for the Tech Expo at our first European conference. This event would not be the same without each and every one of you here - so "thank you."

So long for today --

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