Friday, April 4, 2008

It's a wrap

We've come to a close on our first annual AFSMI, SSPA and TPSA conference here in Europe. The overall event was a huge success and the feedback we got was that this absolutely has to be an annual event (even if we hold it in cities outside of Paris!).

Thomas Lah closed the day summarizing the themes that JB started and were carried on by a number of speakers throughout the 2.5 days. His presentation on professional services and the challenges and opportunities was insightful, challenging and made everyone walk away with a set of ideas and concepts that we need to be focusing on as we move forward.

I'll put a more detailed summary of the whole event online in the next day or two (and for attendees, please remember that all of the presentations will be made available online on the association websites).

I hope you all have a great weekend -


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