Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Keynote #1 - JB Wood and the future of services

The event started with Tom Pridham, Senior Vice President of Membership Development and the Executive Director of SRII welcoming everyone to our first annual European Conference. After a brief welcome in both English and French (who knew he had it in him!) - Tom gave a quick overview of the next 2.5 days and then welcomed J.B. Wood to the stage.

J.B. Wood is the CEO and President of AFSMI, SSPA, TPSA and SRII. He was the first keynote speaker and spent an hour talking about the major market trends impacting the technology services industry and the implications for Europe today and in the future. A couple of key points he highlighted included the following:
  • Current opportunities to improve the business include moving PS organizations from a GEO based structure to a competency based structure
  • Cross-services convergence
  • The importance of figuring out who owns consumption - and most importantly - how to move support organizations into the role that drives that for the organization
  • The importance of a key new industry metric: DTR (Days-To-Repurchase)

He ended the session with a talk on the future of the services business: Value-Added Support. The path to start changing support organizations to becoming the proactive driver of value and consumption for end customers.

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